Short talks and personal stories from faculty, staff and students on what powering past the pandemic, reconnecting with wellness and looking ahead means to them.
Zoom Recording
Speaker: James Butler, M.Ed., Mindfulness Campus Coordinator, Longhorn Wellness Center
Title: Mindfully Moving Through
Description: James Butler, the new UT Mindfulness Campus Coordinator will share his journey on shifting his morning mindfulness routine to help him move through the pandemic, his mental health struggles, and his anti-racist journey by listening to his body, mind and heart. The session will start with his story and conclude with an abbreviated mindfulness practice for all participants.
Materials: Daily Mindfulness Practice
Speaker: Dr. Shauna T. Sobers, Assistant Director, University Housing and Dining
Title: Becoming Resilient – A Model for Women Leaders of Color and Those Who Support Them
Description: This interactive session shares 4 tenants of the Resilience Tree model and provides the audience with structured time to reflect and discuss what components they have in their lives currently and how mentors, supervisors and coworkers can support the women of color in their lives to navigate the risk factors that often limit progression to executive leadership.
Materials: Dr. Sober’s website
Speaker: Jacob E. Thomas, M.A., Ph.D. candidate, College of Education
Title: Music that Inspires US: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through Lyrics and Song
Description: What role do we all play in the emerging paradigm shift toward racial equity? This talk is about hidden themes that we can uncover when reflecting on the media that we interact with. It is also about unexpected ways of finding place and purpose within a complex societal struggle.